Friday, 27 April 2012

Mellte Run on 25th April 2012

Checking the forecast on Tuesday evening, it was looking good for a potential run on one of the rivers in South Wales. Phoning up Fran, I managed to persuade him into an evenings run of the Mellte on the Wednesday, if the water was good, so that I could go after work. So I ran to get all of my gear ready, the boat on the car and the cameras charged. Then, as a young lad on Christmas eve, I went to bed dreaming of the day to come.

The working day went quickly, and as I was making my hard earned cash to fund my boating habit 1600 came, and I was out the door of work quick as a flash and down to the Mellte in no time at all (obviously sticking to the speed limit the whole time, I ain't one of those dirty crims you see on Police Interceptors). The gauge read 7, so that was good enough (Medium-Low). Then the waiting came, forgetting that Uni students (Fran Smith, Adam Voyle, Stu Sheath and Duncan Sinclair) don't keep time well. I think it’s something to do with their doing nothing and wasting my taxes all day that helps them maintain their lethargic lifestyle. When they boys finally arrived, it was a quick drive to the top, boats from the roofs and the shuttle.

Jumping on above the portage, it was a nice little warm up down to the walk into the 15ft. I ran it first, then Stu followed by Adam, leaving the two people who had never run the Mellte before behind to work things out for themselves (Apparently thats the best way to learn - let them jump on, do their best and learn from the mistakes).

Then a nice little bimble down to the big drop. This was looking OK, not a great amount of water going over the full drop, but enough to run it, but the double had plenty. Having made my mind up that I was gonna give the double a go even before looking at it, (as I've done the large drop before but never tried the double), the scout for the line was clear. Stu pointed out a marker that worked for me, and on running the drop, I nailed my line (That's not me blowing my own trumpet, I actually fucking nailed it!).

Fran then ran the full single drop, and his style was a little bit off the beaten track, but he survived. Apparently taking a hit to his gentleman’s area, although I'm not too sure how.

Duncan was to go next, and running the double, he managed to miss Stu's marked line and boofing the first drop well (but too far left) the second drop was pencilled slightly.

Stu was to run it last, as Adam walked it after watching Fran's 'special' line. With Stu missing his own marker, and going further left than Duncan, he managed to recover and get a good landing after the drop.

The rest of the river was run with little in the way of troubles, Adam chumping out on one of the sections and getting stuck in an eddy (Chris Farrow style) on another, and Fran getting stuck in the 8ft wier, luckily getting popped out after about 30 seconds, we got to the bottom happy that we managed to get on a river, making the most of the rain that we've had.

Then came a night out to Welsh club, and as this was a school night the plan was to go home before midnight. Then the drinks came and so did 2 O'Clock. I was not liking my alarm at 0645.

Watch this space as an edit will be coming as soon as I can get the time to do one.

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