Monday, 8 October 2012

Cosmeston w/ Cardiff Uni Kayakers

This Saturday just been the Cardiff Uni Kayakers annual Fresher trip to Cosmeston Lakes. It was a nice sunny day, but having to get up at 0800 still didn't seem worth it. Getting to the lakes however made everything better, as the sun was breaking through, and the heat could already be felt.

I was asked to take a group with current Polo Secretary Will Bevan (seen below), and therefore I delegated my authority down to him. That's what they told me to do whilst in Uni, so I was just was applying my learning.

Now Cosmeston is a large lake, with nice surroundings. But this has also attracted some unwanted and unsavoury characters. No I'm not talking about gypsies, albeit they are highly unwanted, I'm refering to swans. I hate swans, I don't like that they are as big as they are and people are still happy with them plodding about. And what's with them being so f**king white, just f**k off swans. If I were the queen I would have them culled, its not as though they add anything. They just crap everywhere and get in people's way. Also when I was walking my boat to the waters edge, they were hissing and making the sort of noises that would lead anyone to believe they were about to attack. I'm not proud to say it, but if sh*t did start kicking off, I would have grabbed the nearest person and sent them to the slaughter.

With the swan rant over, luckily everyone surviving this time, I'll go back to the kayaking trip. So the first group Will and I were in charge of had luckily all paddled before, and showed some tasty skills whilst on the water.

Some tasty skills on display

All the groups then got together and had some fun on the water, as well as in the water.

The first lot then got off to play some games, and our second group got on. These chaps and chapettes were not as good, however showed as much determination as could have been hoped for, so well done to them.

The second group were warming up as the first were getting off. apparently this is what warming up looks like:

I dunno why the glutes are needed to be stretched so much, but apparently these two girls had a reason to do so!!! ;-)

After the kayaking part was over, both groups got changed and had some BBQ food before a couple more games were played.

A possible reason to stretch those glutes

 People attempting to sit on each other

People succeeding at sitting on one another 

Rope game 

I was the one spinning the rope in this game, and I'm not gonna lie, I was hot and dizzy. It knocked me down for a good 5 minutes after.

 Standard student games tend to involve beer

And spinning (bottles and spinning?)

It was a sweet day, and seemed as though everyone who attended enjoyed.

The main reason for this post was to get some of my camera's photos up, as I try and use it more and more, although most of these snaps were taken by Miss Pelech. For the rest of the photos, the will hopefully be on CUK's facebook page soon.

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